Friday, February 22, 2013

Writer Empty Nest Syndrome

So as a new author, I can't help but wonder if my current state-of-mind is normal or not. Maybe some of you can comment, and possibly save my sanity.

 I have just finished first editing of my current manuscript, and will be sending it off to the editor shortly. The great sense of accomplishment is being overwhelmed by what I can only describe as Writer Empty Nest Syndrome (I will be copyrighting WENS in the near future). For the past seven months, this manuscript has been my primary focus beyond work and family. Now it is at a point where it needs to head off to editorial college to become a better, more mature product, and I am feeling rudderless and adrift.

Which is strange, because it isn't like I don't have anything to do, or projects lined up in my head. But it is rather that I don't know where to best spend my time. Every time I sit down to start a project, I question if that is what I should be doing. For example, do I:
  • Start a short story idea I have been kicking around, in the hopes of getting it published and building some name recognition before publishing my first novel?
  • Significantly increase my time building social media networking in preparation for publishing my first novel?
  • Skip the short story and go right to work on the sequel to the first novel?
  • Start working on a completely different novel?
  • Drink more scotch in preparation for publishing my first novel?
Now you start to see the dilemma? I am personally leaning towards (D.) All of the above, starting with the scotch, and seeing where it goes from there. (Everything good starts with scotch, preferably single malt, old, and expensive)
So tell me, my fellow authors, comment below and tell me; is this normal, or am I doomed to a life of literary chaos and insanity?

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