Some of the exciting upcoming things revolving around Dark Luminance and my other writing projects:
- My SciFi short story 'Bad Seed' will be published in an anthology
due out in the spring! This anthology has a bunch of really talented
authors all writing science fiction and fantasy stories revolving around
other worlds. Check out ASMSG Anthologies for the previous anthologies from this group, they are free, and they have one for every reading taste!
- My firstborn novel 'Dark Luminance' is available for free this month on a
Library thing giveaway sponsored by my publisher, GMTA! Check it out Librarything Giveaway! There are a lot of great books by GMTA authors available for free!
- I am scheduled to do a virtual blog tour beginning in March sometime. It is weird trying to imagine that other people would care about how I write, or how I come up with the stuff I write, but I'm game to give it a shot. This will be my first blog tour, and I'm pretty excited to see how it goes, so wish me luck!
- My YA Fantasy novel 'Urban Phoenix' is due out this year. It's done with rough edits, and is due to go to the editor in the next few months. Hopefully it will be ready to go by the fall!
- The big one is 'Dark Nexxus' the sequel to Dark Luminance should hopefully be ready this year! I am about 25% done with the first draft, and the pace is picking up as Mackland and his crew decide what they are going to do this time, in this new world. (No zombies this time, but it looks like there might be druids with abilities that Mack's science can't explain!)